The site is open and accepting applications for The Adventureman's Guild.
Two years ago a group of us went on a campaign across the Andes mountains and down into the Amazon jungle in Peru. We participated in the "Monkey Run Peru" run by The Adventurists. It is an insane escapade of 1000 km through the most ridiculous terrain on a 90cc monkey bike. It is not for the faint of heart. Traveling over the countryside with these guys trying to navigate and not run out of fuel. Overcoming multiple mechanical failures and having to adapt to the environment. How to work as a team. This became the spark that leads us to create this very organization.

Big things are happening and events are being planned. After the setback of our original idea of a skills camporee being forced to cancel due to COVID we were forced to go back to the drawing board and we decided that it was go big, or go home. So now we have opened spots on "The Great American Monkey 1000". A truly stupid adventure created in the vain of the trip that inspired the guild itself.

This will be over 1000 km of America's beauty spanning 3 states. We are going to offer Guild Members the chance to participate in taking on the challenge of traversing over the Colorado Rockies, loop around Moab Utah ending in Pine Arizona all on a 125cc monkey bike. We will be following a section of the Tran America Trail as charted by GPSKevin. There will be 42 open rider slots available in the Guild Market. We suggest 2-5 man teams. This will be dangerous but rewarding.

The Great American Monkey 1000 may be our first grand adventure but there is a lot in the works, We plan to still hold the Camporee that we hope to become an annual event in 2021 and we are working on several smaller events so keep an eye out for upcoming announcements on Guild Member Only, Coed, and Public events.