Time & Location
Mar 24, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Detroit, 715 E Milwaukee Ave, Detroit, MI 48202, USA
About the Event
Workshop hosted by:
Eric Miller Adventureman Member Investor Specialty: Crypto and alternative investment vehicles
Jeff Deehan Adventureman Member Investor Specialty: Real Estate (deployed over $100mm)
Basic Concepts:
Compound Interest: "One of the most powerful forces in the world"
Simple - Hey, this is good!
Compound - Wow, this is better!
Inflation: The benefits of cash, the problems with cash
Holes in the bucket
Appreciation vs. Depreciation: When baseball cards are better than a car.
Some things you buy go down in value, some go up.
Assets make you money.
Liabilities cost you money.
Good Debt vs Bad Debt
You giving away extra money to credit card companies to buy things that go down in value.
You giving money to banks and credit unions as a reasonable amount of money to buy things that make you more money.
Budgeting - A budget is the bones of your money's muscle. They give them structure and leverage.
Savings -
Parents vs. Modern Day
Investments -
Parents vs Modern Day
Real Estate
CDs and Money Market Funds
Mutual Funds
ETFs/Index Funds
Passive Income
The workshop will be free and everyone will be required to bring $20-$100 to invest on the spot